Evening with Lea :)

I got not even 3 hours of sleep last night, which I'd normally survive on when I just have to drop my host teenager of at tennis, but today we went to Project HOME to volenteer at their summer camp. 
We were there from 9-11.44 and then we went home ate and I drove her to tennis.
I also missed FedEx that were coming with my laptop, but I'll get it tomorrow :)
After I dropped her off at tennis I went home and skyped with my sister Sara who's in Miami right now.
Then I took 1 hour nap and I went and got Olivia from tennis.
After that I skyped some more with my sister and we finally rented a car :)
After dinner I went and pick up Lea and we went to King of Prussia and I got my eyebrows done :)
And then we went to H&M and I bought 2 more pairs of shoes but they only cost $7 together so... haha.
After that we went to Walmart and I bought candy for my flight to Orlando so I wont faint becuase I'll be so hungry. 
Then we sat in the car and looked at vines and twerking haha good day :)


Today's outfit :)
Shirt by the brand Flying Coffin from PLNDR I cut it into a off the shoulder shirt.
Jeans by the brand American Eagle from Plato's Closet.
Belt by Diesel from ROSS
Shoes from JustFab


Today I woke up at 2PM and I did my lanudry haha. Then I skyped a little bit with my sister Sara when she was at the airport, right now she's in MIAMI :D:D:D I can't wait to see her on Saturday :)
After that I went and picked up Lovisa a swedish au pair and we went to Rikas house. We went to Macy's to look for at bikini and then we went and picked up two german au pairs. The plan for today was to go to a Brazilian restaurant and it was amazing! I've been there before tho but still haha.
Todays outfit:
Skull top I don't remember where I got it.
Shorts from Plato's closet, it the same color and style as the ones I had yesterday but these are a size smaller.
And same shoes and sunglasses :)


I met a new swedish au pair today so I took her to Plato's closet where they have a lot of gently used brand clothes. And she loved it. I bought a top from the brand Express for $8 (the red one), a top from Forever 21 (the striped one) and a really cute bracelet that actually fits on my wrist for $7 I think :)
I'm thinking about wearing the black and white one at the Vans Warped Tour :) 

Outfit of the day

Outfit of the day:
Tshirt by the brand Flying Coffin from PLNDR I cut it from a regular tshirt into a off the shoulder tshirt :)
Shorts by BDG (Urban Outfitters), got them from Plato's Closet.
Shoes from JustFab
Sunglasses from the men's section at H&M

8 days left!!

So what have I been doing?
Last weekend I took the bus down to Virginia Beach to see my boyfriend. It took me 12 hours of traveling to get there. And I had 2 nights and 1 full day with him. On Friday I got to meet few of his friends and on Saturday we went to an arcade and walked on the beach :) And then on Sunday I took the bus back to Philly, the bus was late so I missed the bus back home so i had to take the later bus back. At least I got on the last train back home from Philly. So I was home 1.30AM, so it took me 13 hours to get home :P
This week I've been working as usual and yesterday it was my sister Ellen's birthday, she turned 17 years old :)
I also found out that 4 out of 5 of my siblings are coming to the states in the end of November :D
So my sister Sara and her boyfriend are coming back and my brother William is coming and my sisters Joanna and Ellen. The only one that isn't coming is Emma because she's too young. 
Joanna and Ellen will sleep in my house here in Philly and Sara, Daniel and William will stay in NYC until thanksgiving when they will come to Philly to join our thanksgiving dinner at my hostmom mom's house. So that will be so amazing. Swedish invasion :P
And after the thanksgiving dinner we're going to black friday sale at King of Prussia :)
On Sunday my sister Sara and her boyfriend Daniel and his brother are going  to fly to Miami and next Saturday I'm flying to Orlando to meet them!!!! Only 8 days left!!!!! I can't believe it! I've missed them sooooo much!
Yesterday and today I've been at Rika's house and we chilled in the pool :) Today we jumped in with all of our clothes on :D And after the pool we went to Ihop, it was our friends first time there so it was fun :)

Ojoj uppdatering på svenska!!

Okej jag ger det en chans! Jag skriver inte så mycket på svenska längre så ni får ursäkta min gramatik och allt annat haha.
Ja vad ska man säga haha...jag har nu skaffat kille...ja jag vet vad ni tänker hur gick de till, skulle inte du vara singel hela sommaren osv osv.
Men som jag alltid säger till alla när man minst anar det så händer det. Och eftersom jag absolut inte letade efter en kille så ofc så ploppade han upp haha. Men jag är så jävla glad att jag har honom!
Han är så jävla underbar. Vi skulle ses den 12te juli men han kunde inte vänta så länge så han kommer att köra upp hit från Virginia Beach och det tar ca 6 timmar för att komma och hämta mig och sedan ska vi köra tillbaka hem till honom. Så han kommer få träffa mina värdföräldar och min värdtjej. Är lite nervös över det, men jag vet att dom kommer gilla honom. Och på söndag kommer jag ta bussen hem igen kl 6.30 på morgonen haha jag kommer vara så jävla trött. Men jag kan alltid sova på bussen.
Och snart kommer Sara & Danne till USA och jag räknar dagarna tills jag får se dom! Fyfan vad jag kommer gråta haha! 
Aja detta får räcka så länge haha :P

Jenny's USA

Most people are stronger than they know. They just forget to believe in it sometimes.

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